Fishing Report for 2020 from my Facebook Feed

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5 days ago
Buc's Northern Michigan Fishing Report

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Photos from Johnson's Great Outdoors - Montague, Michigan's post ... See MoreSee Less

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1 week ago
Buc's Northern Michigan Fishing Report

Duck Lake by interlochen Michigan ... See MoreSee Less

3-14-25 Traverse City area

Water temp is 33° for both east and west GTB prior to the warm up. Fish are still in spawning mode and searching sharp breaks that lead to flats have been giving opportunities during daylight hours. Common depths to check would be 55-80 fow. Trout n pout or sand kickers in white glow work best. Burbot are incredibly hard to mark as they are extremely tight to bottom but are quick to bite a presentation if in the vicinity. Moving often helps. Don’t be afraid to fish the middle of the day. If you locate a spawning school it could be the most fun you have in the boat this spring.Thanks to Bob at Central Coast for the great report Traverse City Tourism ... See MoreSee Less

1 week ago
Buc's Northern Michigan Fishing Report

White Lake ... See MoreSee Less

Get the Shanties out of Dodge Fishing Report


Permanent Ice shanties must be off the lakes by March 15

Persons placing a Permanent shanty on waters in the counties of Alcona, Alpena, Antrim, Arenac, Bay, Benzie, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Clare, Crawford, Emmet, Gladwin, Grand Traverse, Iosco, Isabella, Kalkaska, Lake, Leelanau, Manistee, Mason, Mecosta, Midland, Missaukee, Montmorency, Newaygo, Oceana, Ogemaw, Osceola, Oscoda, Otsego, Presque Isle, Roscommon, or Wexford shall remove the shanty by midnight of Mar. 15 each year.

Saginaw Bay: Walleye action was better at dusk or early morning. Anglers were fishing four to five miles out from White’s Beach, in17 to 20 feet of water off Linwood, 12 to 17 feet off the Bay City State Park, 16 feet northeast of Spoils Island, seven miles north off the end of Callahan Road or Finn Road, and the middle of the Slot off Thomas Road or Sunset Bay Marina. Fishing was slow in the Hot Pond. Bluegills and some big crappie were caught in the marina at Sebewaing. At Mud Creek, perch fishing was hit-or-miss.

Saginaw River: Anglers are reminded that walleye season on the river will close at midnight this Saturday, March 15th. There has been a lot of fishing pressure all over the river. Anglers might want to avoid the crowds and try fishing the areas between the main access points. Those fishing near the Zilwaukee Bridge caught walleye but many were small. The river ice should hold for the last day of walleye season.

Higgins Lake: NO SMELT-Still has lots of ice. Lake trout are hitting on grays in 90 to 100 feet. Those targeting whitefish on the bottom have done well with wigglers, wax worms or spawn in 85 to 100 feet. Rainbow trout have been caught near the Conference Center. Try wigglers in shallow waters about a foot deep. For perch, try off Evergreen Park on the north end or around the Sunken Island. Use minnows, wigglers and wax worms in waters 50 to 70 feet deep or more.

West Grand Traverse Bay seems to be the hot spot as lake trout and burbot have been biting great off Bingham rd, and lees point. Jumbo Perch have been hit and miss off of Lee’s Point but it is worth the effort. They are still driving trucks on the bay but no recommended.

Green Lake has picked up with report of good smelt catches this week.

Anglers are reminded that walleye, pike and muskie season on the Upper Peninsula Great lakes, inland waters, St. Mary’s River and all the Lower Peninsula inland waters will close at midnight on March 15th.



Northwestern Michigan

East and West Grand Traverse Bay are still good for whitefish and lake trout, and a few perch off of dock rd. on east bay. The East Bay is producing lake trout. The numbers are good but the fish were on the small side. Anglers are jigging glow pimples in 120 to 140 feet. Yuba was producing some good catches. In the West Bay, good numbers of some nice lake trout and burbot were caught. Some reported 10 pound lake trout and burbot over 8 pounds caught near Lee’s Point in 135 to 165 feet of water when jigging glows.

Green Lake: In Grand Traverse County is producing some smelt and big pike. Smelt have been slow with the arctic front. red spikes, white spikes, waxworms with a hali jig have been the best bet. Ice is good at both landing with many shanties out off the south access .

Skegemog- Perch are biting when the wind not blowing 100 miles a hour also pike have been biting Call Jack’s Sport Shop@231-258-8892

Torch Lake: Is producing a limited number of whitefish. Atlantic salmon and lake trout have also been caught. Call Jack’s Sport Shop@231-258-8892

Fife Lake- Fishing has been slow but some gills and perch have been biting Lakeside Party @ 231-879-3341 for latest info

Lake Missaukee- Is producing a few perch and crappie. The better fishing is usually along the weed beds on the west side of the lake with a minnow or spike. Pike have started to bite Call Miller Corner@ 231-839-0440. go to their facebook page miller’s bait

Crystal Lake: Lobb road has been slow for smelt and perch in 45 to 50 feet of water. Use Hali jigs with wax worms. Look for perch along the weeds in 25 to 35 feet of water. Try tear drops tipped with a minnow or spike.

Lake Cadillac: Though ice fishing continues, pike and walleye season will close on Saturday, March 15th. This is the time to target bluegill, crappie and perch with minnows, wigglers or wax worms. Call Pilgrim Village 231-775-5412 latest info

Lake Mitchell: The better fishing has been in and around Big Cove. Pike anglers have done well spearing or with tip-ups. Call Pilgrim Village 231-775-5412 latest info

Portage Lake: Ice anglers are catching perch and pike. The better perch fishing is usually in 6 to 18 feet of water along the south end between the two camps. Perch and Ciscoes have been biting the last two days Call Osborne’s@ 231-889-3775 for latest fishing report. Also Don’s Sporting Goods@ 231-723-5028

Pentwater- Has been good this week on perch call Pentwater Angler for latest info@ 231-869-1055

Manistee River: Lower sections of the river are still iced over however steelhead can be caught anywhere there is open water. Those fishing up near Tippy Dam have caught fish this week in good numbers. Call Pappy’s Bait for latest info on Tippy Dam@ 231-848-4091

Hamlin Lake: Was producing some bluegills, crappie and walleye. Early morning or late evening was best. Try 10 to 18 feet along the weed beds with Hali jigs and small spoons with wax worms or cut bait such as the head of a minnow. Hamlin Grocery@(231) 843-2058 and Capt. Chucks @ (231) 843-4458

Pere Marquette River: The lower section below Custer is still iced over. Those fishing the open water have caught steelhead.

Pere Marquette Lake: The fishing has picked up the last two days with nice perch being caught.The U.S. Coast Guard is warning anglers and other recreational users to use extreme caution due to ice breaking operations. They will be making two trips and stopping at Ludington’s Occidental Chemical Facility. Officials say ice fishermen should remove their ice shanties and equipment from these areas. Recreational users should plan their activities carefully and avoid the shipping channels. Capt. Chucks @ (231) 843-4458 for latest info.

Long Lake, Lake Leelanau has started to pick up this week with walleye and perch as lake is in better shape.

Big Glen a few perch have been caught but little glen has been slow .

Duck Lake by Interlochen Slow this week too much snow

Lake Bellaire has been fair for walleye and pike.

Northeast Michigan

Black Lake: Pike and walleye have been spotty this week Call Parrots Outpost for the latest ice conditions (989) 733-2472

Mullet Lake- Is producing perch for those using minnows and waxworms call Mullet Lake Party store@ (231) 627-4644 or Topinabee Market@ 231-238-9578

Burt Lake: Slow on walleye and perch.. Call Pat & Gary’s Party Store 231-238-6776

Grand Lake: Was producing a few perch. Try 15 to 25 feet of water around Grand Island.

Long Lake: Is very Slow

Fletchers Pond: Was producing a few crappie for those using minnows, wax worms or spikes. A few pike were taken on tip-ups. Fishing should get better this week call Wild Bills Bait and Tackle@ (989) 742-4874

Otsego Lake- Fishing has been slow on Otsego Perch fishing has been fair on Bradford, chub Lake trout fishing has been good. The sturgeon have been slow but a 65″ did get caught this week this week Call Northern Sports@ 987-448-2014 for latest info

Higgins Lake- NO SMELT-Still has lots of ice. Lake trout are hitting on grays in 90 to 100 feet. Those targeting whitefish on the bottom have done well with wigglers, wax worms or spawn in 85 to 100 feet. Rainbow trout have been caught near the Conference Center. Try wigglers in shallow waters about a foot deep. For perch, try off Evergreen Park on the north end or around the Sunken Island. Use minnows, wigglers and wax worms in waters 50 to 70 feet deep or more.
.Call Erik@ Silver Dollar Express (989) 821-6227 or Dave@Sports Barn 989-821-9511 for latest fishing info.

Houghton Lake- Catch rates for bluegill should pick up with the warmer weather. Walleye anglers were doing well also some jumbo perch. Try along the weed beds in 10 feet or more for walleye. Middle Grounds has been good for walleye but access to lake is still tough.

Angelo’s Party Store has shanties call for the latest info@ 989-202-4422

Pappa’s Bait reporting walleye fishing off the middle grounds on Houghton Lake he also some pike and perch. 989-429-5780

Hubbard Lake: has been steady.

Au Sable River: Anglers have caught steelhead but the action was quite slow at times. Most are using wax worms or spawn. The ramp on Rea Road is useable but 4-wheel drive is needed. There is still quite a bit of ice between the Whirlpool and the pier. With the ongoing changes in weather, anglers should anticipate flow variations below Foote Dam. Extreme cold has caused difficulties in operating the spill gates at the Foote Hydroelectric Project which in turn cause unexpected flow changes when they are opened or closed. There is the potential for rapid flow changes due to the breakup of ice cover which causes ice dams and the temporary impounding of water followed by rapid flow when these blockages release water. Those steelhead fishing on the lower river should check the USGS website for current flow conditions.

Wixom Lake has been fair for gills, pike and crappie but warm weather got some water flowing so things should pick-up Crappie fishing should get better with the warm-up Gladwin County. Be sure to stop at Sandys Market or Big R’s to get your bait! call Joe (989) 435-9688

Sanford Lake has been fair call Sanford Sport for info on Wixom and Sanford @ 989-687.5161

Secord Lake has been fair for panfish. Sandy’s Market call Joe (989) 435-9688

Wiggins and Sugar Springs have been good for pike and panfish. Call Chappel Dam Grocery @
(989) 426-7503 or check out their facebook page

Lake St. Helen: Catch rates are slow this week. For pike, try tip-ups with large minnows. Anglers will find crappie in waters 8 feet or deeper. They were hitting on small minnows and wax worms. The lake is producing a few perch ranging 10 to 12 inches but no big numbers. Most anglers are fishing First Lake especially the north and northwest side as well as off the boat launch. Call Dave @ Malcomb’s 989-389-2100 for latest info.

Around Baldwin a few pike and gills being caught but ice conditions are good.

Hesperia reports good pike fishing and a few gills and lakes are getting better for walking.

Cedar Lake: About five miles north of Oscoda is providing a fair to good number of perch, bluegill, crappie and walleye.

Clear Lake: In Montmorency County is producing splake though most are sub-legal.

Tawas: Some perch were caught inside the harbor. Keepers were running 6 to 8 inches but some caught a few bigger fish. A couple pike were speared or taken on tip-ups off Jerry’s Marina.

Au Gres: A few walleye anglers were fishing off Booth Road. Perch anglers caught a few nice fish in 7 feet of water off the mouth of the Rifle River and in 6 feet of water straight off Palmer Road. Most fish were 7 to 10 inches. Walleye were caught in 7 to 15 feet mostly in the evening.

Upper Peninsula Fishing Report

Marquette: Few anglers were fishing the Lower Harbor. The ice was good however conditions can change quickly with strong winds. There are pockets of open water off the Coast Guard Lighthouse and towards Picnic Rocks. Catch rates were poor with only a few small splake taken. In the Upper Harbor, there was ice near the “bubblers” however this is new ice because strong winds blew out the existing ice. Catch rates were poor with only a few coho, lake herring or small chinook caught. There is some open water out from the Upper Harbor breakwall. South winds have opened up stretches of water between the Carp River and the prison. Most areas will see shifting ice over the next few weeks.

Carp River: The mouth is open just below the bridge on Hwy-41 and to the discharge area. A few anglers have tried fishing but had no luck. Conditions are difficult due to snow and ice along the shoreline.

Au Train: The entire bay is frozen over but no anglers were observed. The Brownstone launch is not plowed. Parking is marginal on M-28 as plows have not widened the highway. One angler fishing off the Rock River had no success. The ice was thick with large pockets of slush in-between which makes it difficult to auger good holes.

Menominee River: On March 4th, the center door at the Hattie Street Dam was opened to full capacity which released much of the ice that was secure on the Wisconsin side of the dam. Anglers caught walleye at night when jigging a piece of minnow. Trout anglers targeting the open water on the Michigan side did not catch any fish. Those jigging for pike between the Marinette Marine and Stephenson Island are marking fish but the bite was slow. Those looking for panfish tried near the boat launch at the lighthouse. Anglers need to use caution and watch for unsafe ice near the middle of the river.

Little Bay De Noc: Has exceptional ice this year but travel has been difficult. Many have added extensions to their augers because the ice is so thick. More anglers are out as the walleye action was good. Fish were caught by those jigging rapalas with or without a minnow in 25 to 40 feet between the Escanaba River and Gladstone. Fair walleye action was noted along the “Narrows” in 30 to 40 feet and off the Second and Third Reefs in 20 to 35 feet at night. The head of the bay had mixed results with some fish caught in 8 to 35 feet by those using tip-ups with large sucker minnows. Perch anglers had good catches in the “Narrows” when using minnows or wigglers in 33 to 41 feet. Good numbers of jumbo perch reported from this area. Near Kipling, lots of small perch along with some jumbos were taken in 28 feet or in 14 to 30 feet near the Day’s River. Whitefish anglers off Sand Point did not do well. Several large northern pike were caught on tip-ups in 20 feet at the head of the bay.

Munuscong: Catch rates were poor to fair with the better catches coming from deeper water along the channel. Thick ice remains. Dig out your sled and thaw out your minnow bucket. This is your last weekend to catch a walleye dinner AND win a prize for it! DAN’S RESORT LAST CHANCE WALLEYE DERBY

Cedarville and Hessel: Hessel Bay is producing a few small yellow perch. Wilderness Bay is producing a fair number of keepers. Musky Bay and Duck Bay had fair catch rates.

Southeast Lower Peninsula Fishing Report

Lake Erie: The Metro Park Marina was producing some perch. Try minnows or wigglers. Walleye are still being caught in Brest Bay.

Huron River: Anglers did catch a couple steelhead near Labo Park.

Detroit River: Those fishing Airport Bay were still taking some perch. Cold weather will once again delay the onset of bigger perch coming up into the canals.

Lake St. Clair: The ice is holding. Anglers could still be ice fishing for a least a couple more weeks. Perch fishing was fair at best on the Michigan side. Anglers are sorting through a lot of small ones to get enough for a meal.

Saginaw Bay: Walleye action was better at dusk or early morning. Anglers were fishing four to five miles out from White’s Beach, in17 to 20 feet of water off Linwood, 12 to 17 feet off the Bay City State Park, 16 feet northeast of Spoils Island, seven miles north off the end of Callahan Road or Finn Road, and the middle of the Slot off Thomas Road or Sunset Bay Marina. Fishing was slow in the Hot Pond. Bluegills and some big crappie were caught in the marina at Sebewaing. At Mud Creek, perch fishing was hit-or-miss.

Saginaw River: Anglers are reminded that walleye season on the river will close at midnight this Saturday, March 15th. There has been a lot of fishing pressure all over the river. Anglers might want to avoid the crowds and try fishing the areas between the main access points. Those fishing near the Zilwaukee Bridge caught walleye but many were small. The river ice should hold for the last day of walleye season.

Southwest Lower Peninsula Fishing Report

The ice should be fine even after the warm up. Fishing for crappie, yellow perch, bluegill and northern pike was picking up on inland lakes.

St. Joseph River: Steelhead fishing was good.

Kalamazoo River: Is still producing some steelhead up near the Allegan Dam. Try small spoons, spinners or spawn.

Grand River at Lansing: Anglers will find a few scattered steelhead and pike in the river. Not many anglers have been out.

Park Lake: Was producing a few crappie.

Muskegon River: Continues to produce some nice steelhead. Target the deeper holes until the weather warms back up. Try flies that resemble small goby.


Fish Starting to Bite


eport around the circuit report the warm weather got water running back into the lakes to get oxygen back into the lakes to get the fish feeding again.


West Grand Traverse Bay seems to be the hot spot as lake trout and burbot have been biting great off Bingham rd, and lees point. Jumbo Perch have been hit and miss off of Lee’s Point but it is worth the effort.

Lake Cadillac has been producing crappie again this week.

Tippy Dam has been good this week for steelhead.

Rivers are starting to open up so steelhead fishing has been on the up swing.

Portage Lake has been good this week for perch and Walleye.

Manistee Lake has been good for pike this week.

Long Lake by Traverse is getting pressure this week but guys report lots of moving to find fish this week.

Smelt have slowed on Crystal Lake, but Green Lake has picked up with report of good smelt catches this week.

Higgins Lake no smelt. but great perch and lake trout fishing. Kelly Beach has been good for perch on the south-end.

Houghton Lake the middle grounds producing walleye and perch.

Pentwater Lake has been fair but no fisherman this week.

Hamlin Lake has been good for gills this week.



Dig out your sled and thaw out your minnow bucket. This is your last weekend to catch a walleye dinner AND win a prize for it!



March 14-15th
Final weigh-in at 9:30pm, Saturday night.
First place is $400!
23477 S Bay Rd, Pickford, MI 49774
(906) 647-8753
Stick around after the weigh-in for your chance to win prizes in the mystery weight contest and other drawings.

Tickets: $15 adults, $5 kids. Available in the tackle shop.

Fish on!

p.s. the temperatures will be ABOVE zero this time around and it looks like it will a beautiful weekend to be on the bay.


Weekend Ice Fishing Report Wrap-up



It’s no where near last ice yet. We’re past the peak of ice fishing season. Don’t pack away your tackle because some of the best fish of the season are usually caught. Pike and Walleye Seasons close March 15th. So there isn’t much time. Serious tip-up and Spear Anglers will get withdrawals. Several target pike and walleye to the very end. Best bet has been the West Side of Mitchell, outside the Coves. The numbers are coming off Mitchell. Fewer but larger have been caught on Cadillac.

The Kenwood Park Area on Cadillac is still the better Panfish Area. Crappie have been active through out the day. They’re suspending and at time’s just under the ice. More and more bluegills are showing up. You may have to sort but the numbers are there. Even a keeper perch may be caught.

The lakes look empty since most of the permanent shanties have been removed.


There’s strong interest in smelt, However the smelt cities of permanent shanties are disappearing. Permanent shanties have to be removed by Midnight, March 15th. Portables are taking over. Catches are still at night. Day light catches have been hit or miss.

Decent numbers of smelt are coming from Green Lake. Crystal lately has been slow. No reports from Higgins.


Steelhead have started. Time to break out your long rods, spool fresh line. The most poular bait seems to be waxworms on jigs. Some are bobber fishing with beads.


Miller’s Corner fishing contest has been a success with lots of happy fisherman, with fishing picking up.


Grand Traverse Bay- East bay has been good for whitefish, lake trout, some are fishing off of dock rd and east bay access site and catching a few perch.

West Bay has been awesome for lake trout out from Bingham Rd. Lake trout has been fair off of lees point and stoney point with some Burbot. They are catching jumbo perch on west bay north of Lees Point somewhere but they are very tight lipped and have not found the location some are driving out to the spot.

Higgins Lake has been fair for lake trout and perch. No Smelt reported.

Green Lake the smelt fishing has been getting better.

Crystal Lake off Lobb Rd. still good for big smelt.

Saginaw Bay-Ice conditions are remaining solid out on the Saginaw Bay. Most areas you will find 12-18” of good ice but you have to watch out for the working shoves that are out 2 to 4 miles depending on where you leave from. You can cross those, but you should check it out with a spud first and proceed with extreme caution as always. There are some big schools of fish moving around in 12-19 feet of water from the state park all the way up to Standish, so some days you may have to move a couple times to get on the hungry fish. As the winter progresses the fish head toward the river and move in to the shallows following the bait so if you’re not ready by now, you better get moving because the best fishing is yet to come.

Perch action has been slow but if you sit on a school you’re bound to catch some nice ones after a little sorting. I’ve talked to quite a few anglers that caught some 11-13’’ perch while they were out jigging for walleye as well.

Fletcher’s Pond- Still plenty of ice and fish are biting well. As the whether warms up here in March, look for some of the best pan fishing of the year, including the jumbo perch.


Fishing Tip
Change Sizes. When action slows, instead of changing colors, try changing the size of one’s jig. This tip works both ways – switching from a smaller to a larger jig and from a larger to a smaller jig. One of my favorite ice fishing jigs is a red and chartreuse size 10 Teardrop. After catching many fish on this jig, switch from the size 10 Teardrop to the size 6 Teardrop which is nearly twice as big but in the exact same color. This often results in catching a few bigger bluegills. As a final matter, switch to the ultra small size 12, Teardrop jig and will catch a few more fish that would not take the other two sizes.

The Michigan Warm-Up Fishing Report 3/7/14


This below zero weather has shut down fishing but the fish have started to bite in many places so hopefully they will continue with warmer weather. It has been really bad this week but a warm up tomorrow should help. It is really slow around Northern Michigan as lakes have too much snow also have an extension on your power auger as ice is 36″ to 45″ on many lakes

The 2014 Fishing Licenses went on sale March 1st. This gives anglers one month to purchase their new license before they are required on April 1st. The 2014 Fishing Guides will be available at all license vendors so be sure to ask for your copy!

Ice fishing activity is down. It seems many are getting tired of the extreme cold, deep snow, difficult travel conditions, and trying to drill holes through excessive ice.

Around Manistee Lake by Manistee this week walleye have been biting


Phil fortin 9.76lb 30in manistee lake 1st place osborns walleye


Manistee lake Also and walleye master john caught these. Call Dewey@ Don’s Sport Shop 231-723-5028 for latest info on Maistee Lake

Grand Traverse Bays are still good for whitefish and lake trout, and a few perch off of dock rd. on east bay.

Saginaw Bay: Morning fishing was slow for walleye but the evening bite was pretty good. Anglers can see the fish in the morning but they would not bite. Catch rates picked up considerably between late afternoon and dark especially in 18 to 20 feet near the Black Hole, 15 to 23 feet off Linwood and 3.5 miles north of Spoils Island. A couple perch were caught near the first pressure crack off the Bay City State Park. The Hot Pond and Vanderbilt Park were slow. Walleye were caught in 20 feet of water off the end of Callahan Road but that is a long way out! Those fishing off Thomas Road caught a few walleye from the Slot. Bluegills and crappie were caught in the marina at Sebewaing. Those fishing the river and marina at Caseville caught a few small perch.

Saginaw River: Fishing was generally slow from Wickes Park north through Saginaw, around the Zilwaukee Bridge, and the Middle Grounds at the south end of Bay City. Anglers say the fish are there but they are not biting. A couple walleye were caught after dark at the Middle Grounds, below the Independence Bridge and downstream of the U.S.S. Edson. Some perch were caught off the cement plant at Essexville. Try perch rigs and minnows.




Northwestern Michigan

East and West Grand Traverse Bay are still good for whitefish and lake trout, and a few perch off of dock rd. on east bay. The East Bay is producing lake trout. The numbers are good but the fish were on the small side. Anglers are jigging glow pimples in 120 to 140 feet. Yuba was producing some good catches. In the West Bay, good numbers of some nice lake trout and burbot were caught. Some reported 10 pound lake trout and burbot over 8 pounds caught near Lee’s Point in 135 to 165 feet of water when jigging glows.

Green Lake: In Grand Traverse County is producing some smelt and big pike. Smelt have been slow with the arctic front. red spikes, white spikes, waxworms with a hali jig have been the best bet. Ice is good at both landing with many shanties out off the south access .

Skegemog- Perch are biting when the wind not blowing 100 miles a hour also pike have been biting Call Jack’s Sport Shop@231-258-8892

Torch Lake: Is producing a limited number of whitefish. Atlantic salmon and lake trout have also been caught. Call Jack’s Sport Shop@231-258-8892

Fife Lake- Fishing has been slow but some gills and perch have been biting Lakeside Party @ 231-879-3341 for latest info

Lake Missaukee- Is producing a few perch and crappie. The better fishing is usually along the weed beds on the west side of the lake with a minnow or spike. Pike have started to bite Call Miller Corner@ 231-839-0440. Also they are having Miller’s Corner 3rd Annual Fishing Tournament go to there facebook page miller’s bait

Crystal Lake: Lobb road has been ok for smelt and perch has excellent smelt fishing at night in 45 to 50 feet of water. Use Hali jigs with wax worms. Look for perch along the weeds in 25 to 35 feet of water. Try tear drops tipped with a minnow or spike.

Lake Cadillac: A couple nice crappie were caught however this was the exception, and not the rule. A fair to good number of walleye have been caught by those using tip-ups with minnows for pike. Call Pilgrim Village 231-775-5412 latest info

Lake Mitchell: Continues to produce some walleye, pike and crappie. Catch rates for bluegill and perch were hit-or-miss. The better fishing seems to be early evening and night. Try Big Cove for pike, crappie and bluegills. Call Pilgrim Village 231-775-5412 latest info

Portage Lake: Ice anglers are catching perch and pike. The better perch fishing is usually in 6 to 18 feet of water along the south end between the two camps. Perch and Ciscoes have been biting the last two days Call Osborne’s@ 231-889-3775 for latest fishing report. Also Don’s Sporting Goods@ 231-723-5028

Pentwater- Has been slow this week call Pentwater Angler for latest info@ 231-869-1055

Manistee River: Is pretty much locked up with ice from High Bridge down. A couple steelhead were caught at Tippy Dam. Call Pappy’s Bait for latest info on Tippy Dam@ 231-848-4091

Hamlin Lake: Was producing some bluegills, crappie and walleye. Early morning or late evening was best. Try 10 to 18 feet along the weed beds with Hali jigs and small spoons with wax worms or cut bait such as the head of a minnow. Hamlin Grocery@(231) 843-2058 and Capt. Chucks @ (231) 843-4458

Pere Marquette River: Has steelhead. Those wading have caught steelhead and the occasional brown trout.

Pere Marquette Lake: The fishing has picked up the last two days with nice perch being caught.The U.S. Coast Guard is warning anglers and other recreational users to use extreme caution due to ice breaking operations. They will be making two trips and stopping at Ludington’s Occidental Chemical Facility. Officials say ice fishermen should remove their ice shanties and equipment from these areas. Recreational users should plan their activities carefully and avoid the shipping channels. Capt. Chucks @ (231) 843-4458 for latest info.

Long Lake, Lake Leelanau has started to pick up this week with walleye and perch as lake is in better shape.

Big Glen a few perch have been caught but little glen has been slow .

Duck Lake by Interlochen Slow this week too much snow

Lake Bellaire has been fair for walleye and pike.

Northeast Michigan

Black Lake: Pike and walleye have been spotty this week Call Parrots Outpost for the latest ice conditions (989) 733-2472

Mullet Lake- Is producing perch for those using minnows and waxworms call Mullet Lake Party store@ (231) 627-4644 or Topinabee Market@ 231-238-9578

Burt Lake: Slow on walleye and perch.. Call Pat & Gary’s Party Store 231-238-6776

Grand Lake: Was producing a few perch. Try 15 to 25 feet of water around Grand Island.

Long Lake: Is very Slow

Fletchers Pond: Was producing a few crappie for those using minnows, wax worms or spikes. A few pike were taken on tip-ups. Fishing should get better this week call Wild Bills Bait and Tackle@ (989) 742-4874

Otsego Lake- Fishing has been slow on Otsego Perch fishing has been fair on Bradford, chub Lake trout fishing has been good. The sturgeon have been slow but a 65″ did get caught this week this week Call Northern Sports@ 987-448-2014 for latest info

Higgins Lake- NO SMELT! Lake trout are being caught on greys. Perch anglers were starting to catch a few bigger ones in 8 to 12 feet of water on the east side of the lake off Maple Hurst Road and Flag Point. Perch were caught south of the Sunken Island by those using minnows, spikes and wax worms. Rainbow trout can be found in the shallows off Big Creek and the Conference Center. Most are using blues. Perch were caught near Big Creek, Treasure Island, or B & B Marina. On the south end of the lake, perch were caught off Sunken Island. A few pike were taken on tip-ups and large minnows. Those spearing were seeing smaller pike. Kelly Beach on the south-end has been great for perch and today they were biting..
.Call Erik@ Silver Dollar Express (989) 821-6227 or Dave@Sports Barn 989-821-9511 for latest fishing info.

Houghton Lake- Catch rates for bluegill should pick up with the warmer weather. Walleye anglers were doing well also some jumbo perch. Try along the weed beds in 10 feet or more for walleye. Middle Grounds has been good for walleye as I saw a limit catch from this week at Pappa’s Bait

Angelo’s Party Store has shanties call for the latest info@ 989-202-4422

Dave at Four Season Party Store has his shanties out and they were catching fish call Dave @989-422-5230

Lyman’s Shanty rental @ 989-422-3231 says pike walleye and perch have been fair with a walleye once in a while just before dark.

Korbinski’s Shanty Rental call Rod@ 989-366-9500

Pappa’s Bait reporting walleye fishing off the middle grounds on Houghton Lake he also some pike and perch. 989-429-5780

Hubbard Lake: has been steady.

Lake Margrethe: Is producing some walleye, perch and pike. Above a huge muskie 50 inches was taken there Wednesday. Call Skips Sport@ 989-348-7111 for latest info

Wixom Lake has been slow for gills, pike and crappie but warm weather got some water flowing so things should pick-up Crappie fishing should get better with the warm-up Gladwin County. Be sure to stop at Sandys Market or Big R’s to get your bait! call Joe (989) 435-9688

Sanford Lake has been fair call Sanford Sport for info on Wixom and Sanford @ 989-687.5161

Secord Lake has been fair for panfish. Sandy’s Market call Joe (989) 435-9688

Wiggins and Sugar Springs have been good for pike and panfish. Call Chappel Dam Grocery @
(989) 426-7503 or check out their facebook page

Lake St. Helen: Catch rates are slow this week. For pike, try tip-ups with large minnows. Anglers will find crappie in waters 8 feet or deeper. They were hitting on small minnows and wax worms. The lake is producing a few perch ranging 10 to 12 inches but no big numbers. Most anglers are fishing First Lake especially the north and northwest side as well as off the boat launch. Call Dave @ Malcomb’s 989-389-2100 for latest info.

Around Baldwin a few pike and gills being caught but ice conditions are good.

Hesperia reports good pike fishing and a few gills but lakes still have lots of snow.

Cedar Lake: About five miles north of Oscoda is providing a fair to good number of perch, bluegill, crappie and walleye.

Clear Lake: In Montmorency County is producing splake though most are sub-legal.

Au Sable River: Has yet again unstable river flow below Foote Dam. Extremely cold weather causes the river above the Alcona Impoundment to turn to slush, create anchor ice and finally ice dams that create large changes in downstream flows. These conditions can make it very difficult for fishing or floating below Foote Dam.

Van Etten Lake: Ice conditions remain good. Access sites at the park and Air Force Beach are clear of snow. Perch, bluegill and crappie were caught in good numbers.

Tawas: Fishing was slow on the bay. Perch anglers inside the harbor are getting a few. Walleye anglers were marking and seeing fish but they would not bite.

Au Gres: Had slow fishing. At Palmer Road, walleye anglers were going out about four miles and fishing in the evening. Fishing pressure was light as most were heading down to Linwood.

Upper Peninsula Fishing Report

Inland lakes in Delta, Alger and Schoolcraft Counties have been slow with thick ice and deep snow deterring most anglers from even trying. Au Train Lake was producing a few perch and pike.

Keweenaw Bay: Bitter cold temperatures are keeping most anglers at home. Those brave enough to head out said the bite was very slow.

Munising: A hard top crust in the bay makes for easier walking. Anglers are targeting splake, whitefish and coho. Try 60 to 70 feet when bouncing an egg off the bottom. Many were small but keepers were reported. The bigger splake and a couple 15 inch coho were caught off Sand Point. Smelt are being marked but none were caught. Catch rates were spotty in Trout Bay however anglers did manage to catch coho, lake trout and steelhead.

Menominee River: Still has unsafe ice from where the ice breaker went upstream to Marinette. Those fishing at the Menikaunee launch caught small yellow perch when jigging wax worms. The bite was still slow for northern pike. Anglers can see them with cameras but the bite is not there. Those jigging for walleye through the ice at the dam caught a few fish. They are using a piece of minnow or wax worms.

Little Bay De Noc: Many anglers have installed extensions on their augers because the ice is so thick. Travel conditions improved and more anglers were targeting walleye. Catch rates were fair between Gladstone and Garth Point. At the head of the bay, most used tip-ups with sucker minnows in 8 to 20 feet. Those fishing the Second and Third Reefs were jigging rapalas or using tip-ups in 18 to 30 feet and those at Gladstone were jigging rapalas in 28 to 32 feet. Catch rates were best at dusk. For whitefish, catch rates were fair in 30 to 35 feet at Gladstone or 75 to 85 feet at Sand Point. Perch reports were down but a few were taken on minnows and wigglers in 19 to 30 feet along the Second Reef.

IMG_1911Munuscong: Has excellent ice however catch rates remain slow in Raber Bay. Dan’s Resort Says I know its cold, and you are sick of the cold weather, but there is still lots of fishing left. When its 95 degrees this summer you’ll be wishing you were ice fishing. Lots of snow on the ice, mostly sleds going out. fish on!

Dan’s Resort
Phone (906) 647-8753

Cedarville and Hessel: Those fishing Government Bay at Cedarville or Wilderness Bay at Hessel are seeing perch but very few bites.

Southeast Lower Peninsula Fishing Report

Lake Erie: Anglers caught a few big perch in the Metro Park Marina. Catch rates for walleye improved some in Brest Bay. Try early morning and late evening.

Huron River: Those fishing the couple spots with open water caught steelhead. Try Labo Park or up near the dam at Flat Rock.

Wayne County: Panfish anglers are experiencing varying levels of success because of the changing weather. Most are using teardrops with wax worms or mousies.

Washtenaw County: Inland lakes are producing a light number of pike and panfish.

Detroit River: Those fishing Grosse Ile are still taking some perch in Airport Bay. A slight warm-up by the end of the week may push some bigger fish up into the canals.

Lake St. Clair: Overall perch fishing was spotty. Small perch seem abundant however bigger fish were seen but they would not bite.

St. Clair River: Has ice flows coming down. No word on fishing conditions.

Saginaw Bay: Morning fishing was slow for walleye but the evening bite was pretty good. Anglers can see the fish in the morning but they would not bite. Catch rates picked up considerably between late afternoon and dark especially in 18 to 20 feet near the Black Hole, 15 to 23 feet off Linwood and 3.5 miles north of Spoils Island. A couple perch were caught near the first pressure crack off the Bay City State Park. The Hot Pond and Vanderbilt Park were slow. Walleye were caught in 20 feet of water off the end of Callahan Road but that is a long way out! Those fishing off Thomas Road caught a few walleye from the Slot. Bluegills and crappie were caught in the marina at Sebewaing. Those fishing the river and marina at Caseville caught a few small perch.

Saginaw River: Fishing was generally slow from Wickes Park north through Saginaw, around the Zilwaukee Bridge, and the Middle Grounds at the south end of Bay City. Anglers say the fish are there but they are not biting. A couple walleye were caught after dark at the Middle Grounds, below the Independence Bridge and downstream of the U.S.S. Edson. Some perch were caught off the cement plant at Essexville. Try perch rigs and minnows.

Southwest Lower Peninsula Fishing Report

Ice fishing activity has been slow on the inland lakes. Some have caught panfish and pike but overall catch rates were down. Many lakes are running low on dissolved oxygen so fish have moved higher up in water column.

St. Joseph River: Is giving up some steelhead. Try a jig and wax worm or spawn.

Kalamazoo River: Those fishing up near the Allegan Dam caught steelhead and the occasional walleye. They are using spawn or a jig and wax worm.

Calhoun County: Catch rates were slow on the inland lakes. A few panfish were caught in Warner Lake.

Calhoun County: Catch rates were slow on the inland lakes. A few panfish were caught in Warner Lake.

Lake Macatawa: Was giving up limit catches of yellow perch. Catch rates for bluegill were slow.

Grand River at Grand Rapids: Has steelhead but no big push yet, still too cold. Those targeting walleye reported seeing more fish. Most are fishing up near the dam. Ice flows were not a problem.

Grand River at Lansing: Anglers will want to target pike at the North Lansing Dam and Moore’s Park. One steelhead was caught near the dam at Moore’s Park.

Jackson County: Fishing activity was slow.

Reeds Lake: Was producing a few more pike.

Muskegon River: Is producing some steelhead with incredible color. Most anglers are using flies or artificial bait in the deeper holes. Fish movement should improve with warmer temperatures the next couple days.

Miller’s Corner 3rd Annual Fishing Tournament

Miller’s Corner 3rd Annual Fishing Tournament


Millers Corner
6991 W. Jennings Rd., Lake City, Michigan 49651

When March 8 at 7:00am until March 9 at 12:00pm
Cost: Adults $10, Kids (12-under) $2
Categories for Walleye, Pike, Blue Gill, Perch & Crappie
Lake Missaukee ONLY
Cash & Prizes for category winners
Door Prizes & 50/50
All weigh-in’s are done at Millers Corner, final weigh-in will be no later than 3pm on Sunday 3/9. All prizes will be given away at the Town Pump Saloon at 4pm on Sunday 3/9. All entries are awarded a fish dinner from Millers Corner during the prize give-a-ways.
100 % PAYBACK!
Sign up at Miller’s Corner 231-839-0440












Another Weekend is history. More fresh snow. A little everyday keeping everything clean and white. Life is good. However most would like to see grass again.

Forgetting the friget temperatures, We’re on the tail end of Winter. Fishing isn’t as easy as earlier. The fish still eat but are more cautious—or are they smarter? Those fishing with electronics or cameras auger many holes to locate fish then fish. Others cut a hole and wait for the fish to come to them. No question who catches more.

There have been reports of good catches of crappie, pike and even a few walleye from Cadillac and Mitchell. Descent size perch and bluegills have been spotty. Late afternoons have been producing the most fish. Those on the ice in late afternoons and staying an hour after the sun goes down are doing the best,

A few lucky anglers are catching “slab” size crappies in the 12 to 14 inch range. These are larger then a dinner plate. Many of them have been caught on tip-ups. Those fishing for walleye using light line tip-ups baited with walleye size minnows often catch them by accident—or intent. This size is exceptional. Most we see are in the 7 to 10 inch range. Normal good eaters.

Black Crappie Master Angler size; Catch and Release 14″, Catch and Keep is 14″ and Minimum weight of 1.12 lb.

The 2014 License Structure has changed. “A Base License is reguired for everyone who hunts. It allows for small game hunting and purchasing other hunting licenses. It is not required to purchase a fishing license. Revenue generated under the new license structure will create better recreational opportunities, improve habital, and help preserve and promote Michigan;s Fishing, Hunting and Trapping throughout the State.”